04 November 2014

The realization of a little goal

Back in 2011, I took a tiny step towards one of my big dreams.  I don't know if I've ever shared my particular dream of getting my own pattern book published but it is one of my big dreams.  It has a timeline too so it will become a reality.  This is one little step towards that big dream - and it is just as exciting as I thought it would be, maybe even more.

Three years ago this past August, I submitted a pattern for a book that was going to be published regarding gift knitting in America.  I did it for the experience, fully expecting to be rejected but I was going to use the feedback as a learning tool to improve going forward.  Today, all these years later, what I got was not a rejection but the book that has my original design published pattern in it...
American Gift Knitting by Beth Moriarty of Planet Purl
Yep, my pattern is in there.  That book is in bookstores, on the shelves, waiting for purchase.  I will admit, I giggled and cried and jumped for joy when this package arrived.  I couldn't believe it.  I am now an officially published knitwear designer.  My silly little pattern was chosen from the hundreds of other entries and they said, "Hey, I really like this.  It has such potential.  Let's run with it".  It is such an honor that I am having a difficult time putting it into words.
It's hard to believe that what started out as this has now become something so amazing.
So to all of my fantastically creative friends and family, if you have a dream of becoming bigger than what you fear you can be I am here to tell you that you can absolutely do it.  My daddy was right when he said that the worst they can tell you is no which will leave you no worse off than you were before you started - and that is philosophy that I use to this very day.

Never be afraid to do what you think is impossible or that others have told you is impractical.  Never be afraid to try because you only fail when you fail to try.  Even a lack of success is beneficial because you learn from it and move forward for the next time.  My next step?  Well, it's already being sketched out... and by my deadline of 2017, I hope to have some even more exciting news to share - possibly sooner, you just never know.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney


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