12 October 2014

Sunday Snaps

This week has been crazy busy.  Taking a page from Tinkerbell's book, just relaxing.  Join us, after you enter the giveaway.
This past week has been crazy busy, and our weekend hasn't been much slower.  We spent all of yesterday out of the house.  The Odyssey of the Mind coaching training went from 8:30 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon.  After that, we had to swing by the house and let the dog out before we headed up to my parents' house to Hobbit.  We shared a quick supper with my mama - Daddy is in Texas for a few weeks to lend a hand at his old company while the person who took over his spot spends time with his dying wife, so very sad - and then got home just before 11 o'clock in the evening.  I tossed Hobbit in bed and was not very far behind.  Pokey stayed up though because he asked me to drive up since he was tired and took a nap the entire time.

Today is simply laundry (a necessity) and crafting (another necessity, in my world).  I hope to either finish the blanket or a bird... or both, who knows.

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