15 October 2012

Is it over already?

I feel as though I've missed my weekend.  I know I was fully present for the past two days but I woke up and just wasn't in the mood to face Monday full on.  Where did my weekend go? There are several small things that need doing around the house today and overall, they will get done, but I would still like to launch an investigative committee to find out exactly what happened to my weekend.  Although, on the upside, I don't have to deal with Monday next week so thank you "Teacher Planning Day".

I know this beautiful soul who does a little thing called "three good things" every day.  She just writes down three good things in her life right at that moment.  It could be something as simple as a moment to be able to reflect to the deeper, more grandiose things.  I think this would the perfect day to start doing just that - find three things that I am thankful for and listing them out... so here goes -
  1. I don't have to wake up to an alarm clock in the mornings.  My husband wakes me very sweetly and brings me coffee.
  2. While it may be Monday, my 'office' is right here at home - a luxury that many woman and families of today can not afford.
  3. The world is still sleeping right now and hasn't been spoiled by stupidity.
Okay, that makes me feel a bit better.  I think I can take on the day now!  So every time things start to get really icky, I think I will stop and think of three good things to remind me that while something may be unpleasant at that very moment, there are a great deal more in my life that are wonderful.

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