04 November 2012

Sunday Snaps

This week was full of crafty goodness - silly projects for homework...

Dyeing the perfect match...

Hobbit tried trick or treating again... and again disliked all the spooky so she handed out candy...

I made serious strides in the Quidditch hat trials that started yesterday...

and all these hats are doubling for my Nerd Wars submissions so it is working out rather well.
My mama, a very talented nurse, also brought to light something that I had not even imagined.  I was describing the pain in my hand that was traveling up my arm and around my chest.  She laughed a little at me (not in a mean way, just the Mama way) and informed me that I have Carpal Tunnel in my right hand.  I will bring it up to my doctor when I go back for all those test results but my google research was a hard slap in the face with reality.  This will serious interfere with my crafting so I am going to spend today learning about ways to care and combat it.

Here's to a better week ahead with lots of smiles and fibery fun.


  1. These are such cute pics. I love the little critter. Looks like good times were had this halloween.

  2. As a carpel tunnel person. I'd recommend good wrist braces to sleep in. And learning upper extremities nerve glides. A physical therapist can really help with the pain and such. Also teach you how not to injury ourselves while living.


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