13 March 2013

Wednesday Wound-Up

I finished Peanut's birthday present but I can't show it to you yet.. just in case...

However, I did get some new glasses yesterday - rocking the geek chic now.  I love them!

I can also show you the progress that I've made on my afghan - just about 1/4 done so hopefully I can finish this month.
I know, it's odd... I'm working on just one thing - I want to finish it this month for Charms class and get a yardage bonus.  I've turned in Peanut's birthday present for DADA (so suiting since she's such a Slytherin, like my favorite DADA professor) and it was just under 1,000 yards!!  I normally go for little projects and hitting all six classes but I was curious how it worked out if I only did a few classes but turned in larger assignments.  Will it even out or will the yardage just knock it out of the park.

I really want to show you Peanut's birthday present because it is so full of awesome that I can't stand it!!  Just as soon as I know that she's opened it (and hopefully loves it), I'll share with y'all.  Normally I wouldn't think twice about it but I'm not sure if doesn't pop over here from time to time lately so we'll keep it under wraps for now.

What are y'all working on?

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