06 August 2012

Simply because she smiles

She was said she loved berets and pompoms last week... today she got this.
Do you know that people ask me all the time why I make things for Hobbit. It has been shared that some feel she's "too young to appreciate them" or she "doesn't understand all that went into making it".  I giggle on the inside and leave them with a shrug and smile - because they couldn't possibly be more  wrong.

Hobbit watches me make things all the time.  She knows about the time and effort involved.  She understands that if you appreciate the pretty things that Mama makes for you then Mama will make you more... even take requests for items - the subtle and the not so subtle alike.

So why do I make such things for Hobbit, who is barely 7-year-old... simply because of the reaction I get when I do.  Squeals of delight, dimples galore and all the hugs and kisses I can stand.  If that isn't appreciation then I certainly don't know what is... and I dare say that if every handmade item you gave earned you that type of reaction, you'd continue to make them too.


  1. I've always loved making things for my daughter too. She's 18 and still asking mama to make things for her. It's a good feeling.

    1. I'll be 40 this Christmas and *I* still ask my mama to make things for me... lol.

  2. I've reached the stage of total role-reversal: my mama is now asking me to make things for *her*!

    1. I've not reached that yet but I do make things for her. I might fall over the day my mama asks me to make her something!


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