24 July 2010

Knitting is Therapeutic

That is a very true statement - at least for me. Knitting is very therapeutic. I have used it to take my mind off a variety of different things and I always wondered why other people don't do the same. You hear people all the time talking about how stressful 'such and such' a thing is - and I always want to reply with "so knit"... seriously.

Knitting has helped me to quit smoking, lower my blood pressure, lose weight and relieve stress. Those are just the top four things I could think of at this moment in time. If you asked me on a different day, I would give different answers.

Now, I was curious if I was simply a sheer genius or if there were others who share my theory on knitting being therapeutic so I did what any highly educated and intelligent person would do - I 'googled' it! Do you know what I found out... I am not the only one who thinks this way and large studies have been done regarding just this topic! There is even a site entitled "Stitchlinks" which is dedicated to quotes from every day people who want to share the benefits with others.

So the next time you are feeling frazzled, just sit down and play with a ball of yarn and a couple of sticks... you'll be glad you did!

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! Love it!! Just wish I could lose a bit more weight on the knitting diet! heh heh! but guess I can be happy I haven't gained a ton more, right? But yes, knitting-therapy....absolutely!! Especially when visiting relatives that super stress you out....I get a lot done then! Heh heh!


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