30 September 2011

Weekend Wonderment 9/30 ~ 10/2

I know, I lead an exciting life... what can I say - we can't all be glamorous.
This is the first day in almost two weeks where I feel about 95% normal... and that means that I feel well enough to conquer my house.  The minions who live here have trashed it, by my standards, so it must be gone through with a trash bag and then scrubbed until I feel better.  In the normal world, I'm sure it isn't that bad but I was raised by a clean freak neat nick type of woman and even though she doesn't believe it because I try to surpress it, her OCD-ness has passed on to me.. joy of joys.  So here is my weekend wonderment ~
  1. Dust, scrub and otherwise make my house sparkle like a cartoon fairy attacked it.
  2. I'm torn between White Chocolate Chip Cookies or making some Peppermint Bark - either way, there must be something sweet in this house so all occupants are happy with the world, therefore Hobbit and I will be playing in the kitchen - our favorite thing to do together.
  3. I have grounded myself from starting any other projects until my sweater is done.  That means this weekend will be devoted to sleeves.  I honestly haven't felt like knitting in two weeks so that puts me behind schedule since Nerd Wars starts tomorrow.  Oh well, find the joy in the finished project and work until you can see the end, right.
So that is going to be my weekend in a nutshell.  I am sure there will be movies, games and silliness in between but the meat and bones of it all lies in those three little things.   I really should stop writing and get started with first item because the sooner I can get it done, the sooner I can start on the more exciting aspects of my oh so glamorous weekend.

How about you - anything fun and exciting happening in your world this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. This weekend I am planning to focus on finishing my blanket - I want it done!

    I'd go with the white choc chip cookies personally (but that could be because I am allergic to peppermint, believe it or not!)


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